Identifikasi Gastropoda pada Ekosistem Mangrove di Kampung Rawa Mekar Jaya Kecamatan Sungai Apit Kabupaten Siak Provinsi Riau

Lenny Marlyna, Eddiwan Eddiwan, Windarti Windarti



  •  In the Rawa Mekar Jaya Village, there is a mangrove conservation area. Anthropogenic activities conducted around that area, however, damage the mangrove in general and thus negatively affects gastropod living in that area. A research aims to identify gastropod species in that area was conducted in July 2019. A research was conducted with direct observation techiques at the study area. There were 3 stations and each station consists of 3 plots. In each plot there were 3 subplots (1x1 m). Gastropods were collected manually from each sub plot, everyday for a 2 weeks period. There were 5 gastropod species present, namely Cerithidea obtusa, Telescopium telescopium, Nerita violacea, Ellobium aurismidae, Chicoreus capucinus. The water quality were as follows: temperature (28-29
  • 0
  • C); pH 6; salinity (14
  • 0
  • /
  • 00
  • ); dissolved oxygen (4,1-5,0 mg/L), and sandy mud substrate. 
  • Keywords :  Cerithidea sp, Rhizophora appiculata, mangrove forest

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