Abstract: The purpose of this research was conducted to find out if there is the
effect of horizontal swing exercise towards shoulder and arm muscle power on athletes
pplp riau pekanbaru. Type of research used is experiment and using one preetestposttest
design. Population is research in athletes tennis pplp riau pekanbaru is the
entire populations of 6 people. While the sample technique used is total sampling
(saturated sample) where all the population is sampled. The sample in this amounted to
6 people of athletes tennis pplp riau pekanbaru. The instrument used two-hand medicine
ball. After that, the data is processed with statistics, normality test with lilifors test at
significance level ɑ (0.05). The hypothesis is The Effect Of Horizontal Swing Exercise
Toward Shoulder And Arm Muscle Power In Mens’s Tennis Athlete Pplp Riau
Pekanbaru. Based on the analysis of statistical data, there are an average pree-test
315,16 and an average post-test 368,33, then the data is normal with an increase of
50,17 . Based on t test analysis produces t hitung = 10.26 > t tabel = 1.943. Meaning t hitung
> t tabel. Thus, there is the effect of horizontal swing exercise towards shoulder and arm
muscle power in men’s tennis pplp riau pekanbaru.
Keywords: Horizontal Swing, Shoulder And Arm Muscle Power ,Tennis
effect of horizontal swing exercise towards shoulder and arm muscle power on athletes
pplp riau pekanbaru. Type of research used is experiment and using one preetestposttest
design. Population is research in athletes tennis pplp riau pekanbaru is the
entire populations of 6 people. While the sample technique used is total sampling
(saturated sample) where all the population is sampled. The sample in this amounted to
6 people of athletes tennis pplp riau pekanbaru. The instrument used two-hand medicine
ball. After that, the data is processed with statistics, normality test with lilifors test at
significance level ɑ (0.05). The hypothesis is The Effect Of Horizontal Swing Exercise
Toward Shoulder And Arm Muscle Power In Mens’s Tennis Athlete Pplp Riau
Pekanbaru. Based on the analysis of statistical data, there are an average pree-test
315,16 and an average post-test 368,33, then the data is normal with an increase of
50,17 . Based on t test analysis produces t hitung = 10.26 > t tabel = 1.943. Meaning t hitung
> t tabel. Thus, there is the effect of horizontal swing exercise towards shoulder and arm
muscle power in men’s tennis pplp riau pekanbaru.
Keywords: Horizontal Swing, Shoulder And Arm Muscle Power ,Tennis
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