Theofilus Theofilus, Maryati Bachtiar, Riska Fitriani


The armed conflict that occurred in Wamena in Papua caused many victims,
including children. So the need for special legal protection for children who are in conflict
situations. As in article 60 of Law Number 35 Year 2014 concerning Amendments to Law
Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection, it states: children in an emergency situation
as referred to in article 59 paragraph (2) letter a consist of: a. Children who become refugees
b. Children victims of riots; c. Child victims of natural disasters; and d. Children in situations
of armed conflict. Based on the main ideas above, it can be formulated several problems,
namely whether the form of criminal acts committed against children in the area of armed
conflict in Indonesia and how the legal protection of children from criminal acts in the area
of armed conflict in Indonesia.
The writing of this thesis uses the normative legal research method by collecting
data by library research, namely by examining library materials or secondary data in the
form of primary legal materials namely related regulations, secondary legal materials namely
related documents and tertiary legal materials which is a guide to primary and secondary
legal materials or research on legal systematics. The secondary data that has been compiled
are then analyzed using qualitative methods to obtain results, which are forms of protection
for children in conflict areas, that is, doing things that can accelerate the conducive situation
in the field, besides the government in particular, and other supporting elements to further
optimize efforts to restore children's health and post traumatic psychological handling in
children. The conclusion from the results of the study, namely the legal protection of children
in armed conflict areas in Indonesia who get violence such as murder, sexual harassment or
rape is still not working properly, because there are still many children who are victims.
Where the rules regarding legal protection of children in conflict areas are still general in
nature which are civilians. Where the Indonesian government should make special rules
regarding the protection of children in areas of armed conflict. This is the cause of the lack of
justice obtained by children.
Keywords: Legal Protection, Children, in the Area of Armed Conflict

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