Carrying Capacity Assessment Based on Chlorophyll-ain the Tajwid Lake, Langgam Sub-District, Pelalawan District, Riau Province for Extensive Fishing

Nisa Wangi Tresna Fadilah, Asmika H. Simarmata, Madju Siagian




Carrying capacity is defined as the ability of aquatic environment to support the life organism in that area. A study aimed to assess the aquatic carrying capacity based on chlorophyll-a for extensive fishing was conducted in the Tajwid Lake. The carrying capacity was determined based on primary productivity (chlorophyll-a content), which is indicating the existence of phytoplankton in the water. This research was conducted in March-April 2018 in the Tajwid Lake. There were 3 stations, namely Station 1 (inlet area), Station 2 (in the middle of lake) and Station 3 (outlet area).  Water quality parameters measured were temperature, transparency, pH, dissolved oxygen, CO2, nitrate, phosphate, and chlorophyll-a concentration. The concentration of chlorophyll-a indicates that the carrying capacity of the Tajwid lake for extensive fishing was 6.925 tons/year. Water quality parameters were as follows: transparency 47.0-54.7 cm, temperature 29.3-30.7oC, pH 5, dissolved oxygen  4.75-6.29 mg/L, CO2 17.32-22.64 mg/L, nitrate 0.0541-0.0820 mg/L, phosphate 0.1327-0.2798 mg/L, and concentration of chlorophyll-a  was 7.96 µg/L.


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