Perbedaan nyeri persalinan kala i fase aktif Pada ibu primipara dan multipara Terhadap terapi akupresur
Baby delivery process might cause a painfulness feeling to the mother which brings some negative effects for both mother and the newly baby born. This unexpected condition needs to be cautiously controlied by implementing feeling painful management control mechanism, one of the methods is acupressure method. This research aimed to deeply understand about the differences between painfulness level of the active phase kala I of the baby deliverly process implemented to primipara and multipara patients towards acupressure the therapy. This research used quasy experiment research design which was divided into two groups namely primipara and multipara. The research was conduced to the patients at Camar Room II, Arifin Achmad Local Public Hospital in Pekanbaru. The research was carried out to the 30 pateints by using purposive sampling technique with examining inclusive criteria. The used measurement mean during the research was painful numeric intensity scale. While the implemented analyses means were univariat and bivariat. It used the dependent sample t test n independent sample t test. The result of the research showed that there were no differences on the painful level for patiens on baby delivery process kala I active phase for both primipara and multipara toward the acupressure therapy with the value of P (0,371). Based on this research it could be suggested to the medical practitioners to imlplement the acupressure therapy to decrease the painfulness level of the active phase kala I of the baby delivery process for both primipara and multipara.
Keywords : Acupressure , multipara, labor pain , primipara .
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