Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Tindakan Penderita Tb Paru Melakukan Kontrol Ulang Di Puskesmas Sidomulyo

Khoirul Amin Subhakti, Arneliwati - -, Erwin - -


This research purpose to know how the relationship of supported family with psychomotor from patient tuberculosis of the lungs to control repeated in Sidomulyo’s Puskesmas. This research use a correlative description method and use cross sectional curses. The sample are 41 respondens that taken use purposive sampling technique. The tool used for this research was a quationaire with 27 statements. An analysis is bivariate analysis using Chi square test. The result of this research showed that 95,7% respondens from positive supported family and routine control. Then respondens with positive supported family and doesn’t routine control that 4,3%. And then result from negative supported family and respondens routine control that 50.0%. As soon as respondens have negative supported family and doesn’t routine control that 50,0%. The result of statistics that P value = 0,001 < α = 0,05 is relationship between supported family and psychomotor from tuberculosis of the lungs to control repeated in Sidomulyo’s Puskesmas.


Keywords: supported family, psychomotor, patient tuberculosis of the lungs, control repeated

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