Anisa Novianti, Herlina Herlina, Gamya Tri Utami


Coping mechanism is an individual's self-defense system, which is divided into two groups namely adaptive and
maladaptive. If the mechanism of individual coping maladaptif then tend to fall into the deviant behavior of one free sex
and vice versa. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship of coping mechanisms against the prevention
behavior of free sex in adolescents. This research design use descriptive correlation with cross sectional approach. The
number of samples in this study as many as 73 people. Samples were taken using stratified random sampling technique
with measuring instrument in the form of questionnaires that have been tested for validity and reliability. The result of
univariate analysis showed that the average of respondent was in class XI that was 46 people (63,0%), female gender
was 40 people (54,8%), average age 16 was 37 people (50,7% %), the majority lived with 69 parents (94.5%), adaptive
coping mechanism was 39 people (53.4%) and who had active prevention behavior of 39 people (53.4%). The result of
bivariate analysis showed that there was correlation between coping mechanism toward the prevention behavior of free
sex in adolescent (p value <α = 0,05) that is (0,02 ˂ 0,05) with value of Odd Ratio (OR) 3,2 value CI 95% its 1,231-
8,438. The results of this study are expected to assist in the science of nursing and educational institutions to further
improve counseling services and conduct counseling about free sex so that adolescents can behave positively to prevent
free sex.

Keywords: adolescent, coping mechanism, free sex

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