Risa Nur Pajri Ds, Safri Safri, Yulia Irvani Dewi


Stroke is a serious neurological disorder, ranks high cause of death after cardiovascular disease and cancer that is
influenced by many risk factors such as uncontrollable factors such as age, sex, race, and controllable factors such as
history of hypertension, history of diabetes mellitus, obesity and cholesterol. This study aims to determine how the
description of risk factors for stroke in Rejosari Pekanbaru Health Center. This study is a descriptive study using
secondary data of stroke patients. Data taken in the form of education, occupation, age, gender, race, history of
hypertension, history of diabetes mellitus, obesity and cholesterol, research sample are all stroke patients coming to
Rejosari Pekanbaru Health Center that meet Inclusion Criteria. The results showed the highest proportion of stroke
was ischemic stroke (93.3%), high school education (26.7%), and worked as private (50%). The highest uncontrollable
risk factors were age 51-65 years (50%), male gender (66.3%), history of hypertension (73.3%), no history of diabetes
mellitus (56.7%). obesity (63.3%) and cholesterol (66.7%) .The researcher hoped that the result of this research can be
used as input for health workers, especially the nurses who work in Puskesmas Rejosari Pekanbaru to provide
information about the causes of stroke to stroke patients.

Keywords: Risk factors, Stroke, ischemic

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