Eka Trisnawati Dewi, Jumaini Jumaini, Herlina Herlina


Family harmony has something to do with mental health, especially with the risk of drug abuse. This study aims to
determine the relationship between family harmony and risk of drug abuse to adolescents in Satu Atap Teluk Kenidai
State Junior High School with a descriptive research design and a correlation cross sectional approach. There were 81
respondents as the samples of the research. They were taken based on the inclusion criteria using the total sampling
technique. The measuring tool used was a set of questionnaire that has been tested for its validity and reliability. The
analyses used were univariate analysis in order to know the frequency distribution and bivariate analysis using chisquare
test. The statistical test resulted in a P value of (0.000) < (0.05) which means there is a significant relationship
between family harmony and risk of drug abuse to adolescents in Satu Atap Teluk Kenidai State Junior High School. The
result of research showed that family harmony was not the main factor of drug abuse but there were other factors such
as peer group, chance and school environment, so this research is expected to be the teenagers' concern and they have
to be more selective in choosing friends and a good environment. Finally, they are supposed to be able to protect
themselves in order not to be easily affected by peers or communities which are not expected.
Keywords: Adolescents, Family Harmony, Risk of Drug Abuse

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