Sri " Wahyunita, Arneliwati " ", Ganis " Indriati



Youth education is one indicator to see the success of a nation. Factors that affecting student motivation to learn was the codition itself, which are related to physical and psychological condition. Resilience is one of the psychological conditions that need to be noticed in adolescent’s living in orphanages. The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between resilience with motivation to  learn adolescents in orphanage. The method used descriptive correlation with cross sectional approach. This research was conducted in 4 orphanages in Pekanbaru, which Putra Muhamadiyah orphanage, Ar-Rahim orphanage, Putri Aisyiah orphanage, and Babussalam orphanage, with number of sample 105 respondens that taken by using cluster sampling. This research used reciliency questionnaire and learn motivation questionnaire as measuring instrument which has tested the validity and reliability, and Chi-Square test used to analyzing the data. The result of this research shows that adolescents who higher reciliency has a high motivation to learn, that is 65,5 %, while adolescents who have low resilience has a low learning motivation, that is 57.4%. The conclusion based on the result of this research that there was relationship between resilience with motivation to learn adolescents in orphanage (p value 0,031 < 0,05), it is suggested manager of orphanage to facilitate adolescents in improving the ability of adolescents grow stronger facing problems experienced or also called reciliency so that high motivation to learn can be achived.

Keyword: Learn motivation, orphane’s adolescents, reciliency


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