Studi Timbulan Dan Komposisi Sampah Non Domestik Wilayah Pengembangan IV Kota Pekanbaru

Grethy Asmara Sitorus, Elvi Yenie, Lita Darmayanti


This study aims to analyze the data on the generation and composition of non-domestic waste in development area IV Pekanbaru City. Generation sampling based on SNI 19-3964-1994 which was carried out for eight consecutive days with a total sample of 114 unit. The total result of non-domestic waste generation is 0,064 kg/person/day or 0,335 l/person/day. The composition of non domestic waste includes food waste, paper, plasti, cloth/textiles, rubber/leather, yard waste, wood, glass, metal, and other waste.
Keywords: Generation, Composition, Non domestic.

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