Kontrol On/Off Jarak Jauh Motor Induksi 3 Fasa Dengan Komunikasi Half-Duplex Menggunakan Zigbee

Febriko Fautama, Budhi Anto


Remote access for industrial operation of 3-phasess induction motor is so needed to reduce human errors it others benefits. Therefore, in this study remote access is design for the operation of 3-phases induction motor by also using Zigbee pro S1 and Arduino Uno as data transmission media. The control system in the 3-phases induction motor is a remote and an actuator unit. The remote control device is equipped with two Command Buttons for ON command and OFF command, and one Light Emitting Diode (LED) as an indikator of motor condition. The actuator unit is equipped with a motor driver circuit to operate the motor according to the received command. Feedback circuit reads the condition of motor then sent it back to the control device. From the entire results of testing, actuator unit can operate the motor in accordance with the "ON" or "OFF" command, given by the control device. It also able to provide feedback according to the condition of motor. In addition, distance testing can also be achieved by Zigbee with placing the actuator unit in a room, namely the laboratory remote control is outside of the laboratory. From the test, results in, the maximum distance that can be reached by Zigbee is 76 meters, while based on the calculation of Zigbee mileage is 188.79 meters. It is caused by the attenuation factor in the calculate is ignored, not like in the laboratory testing.
Keywords: remote control, 3 phases induction motor, Zigbee, arduino, Zigbee mileage.

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