Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Alat Penukar Kalor Desorber Jenis Finned Tube Pada Sistem Adsorpsi Double Bed Adsorber Dengan Silika Gel-Air Sebagai Pasangan Adsorben-Adsorbat

Aldi Ansyah Kurniawan Lubis, Awaludin Martin


The issue of global warming and the amount of energy consumption is one of the biggest problems of the air conditioning system and refrigeration used today, so technology that is
environmentally friendly and also energy efficient is needed. The adsorption cooling system is one of
the technologies for air conditioning and refrigeration systems that are energy efficient and environmentally friendly because the refrigerants used do not contain haolocarbon and not using
compressors in the system so that it saves energy. In this study a double bed adsorber adsorption system with silica gel-water is designed as an adsorbent-adsorbate. as an adsorbent-adsorbate. The adsorption cooling system contains 2 adsorber and finned and tube pieces as heat exchangers. Where the fin uses 1 mm thick alumanium and the tube uses copper outer diameter of 9.52 mm with a time of
adsorption and desorption for 20 minutes.
Keywords : Adsorption, Design, Adsorben, Adsorbat.

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