Nora Sri Rahayu, Hambali Hambali, Separen Separen


Abstract: This research is motivated by the existence of the Ghatib Beghanyut in Siak Regency which is closely related to religious and divine values and the value of unity. These two values are clearly stated in the precepts of Pancasila. Therefore, researcher is interested in further researching what Pancasila values are contained in the Ghatib Beghanyut in Siak Regency. The purpose of this research is to find out how the values of Pancasila are contained in the Ghatib Beghanyut in Siak Regency. This study uses a qualitative research method with a sociological approach, using data collection methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. Then, using a purposive sampling namely a sampling technique with certain considerations on the informants who will be selected in the interview. The informants in this study amounted to 8 (eight) people namely the Chair of the MKA (Indigenous Density Council) of Siak Regency, the Chair of the DPH (Daily Leadership Council) of the LAMR of Siak Regency, one of the assistants to the Caliph of the Implementation of Ghatib Beghanyut, the Muazin for the Implementation of Ghatib Beghanyut, one of the Imams of the Mosque. in Siak District, Head of the General and Personnel Sub-Section of the Tourism Office of Siak Regency, one of the people in Siak District, as well as activists and historical observers in Siak District. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the Pancasila values contained in the Ghatib Beghanyut are the values of all the Pancasila precepts, because basically Pancasila is formulated from the cultural values and traditions of the Indonesian nation itself. There are divine values, human values, unity values, populist values, and social justice values in every stage of preparation and implementation of the Ghatib Beghanyut in Siak Regency.
Key Words: Analysis, Pancasila values, Tradition, Ghatib beghanyut, Siak regency

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