Oktavia Safitri, Evi Suryawati, Darmadi Darmadi


Abstract: Knowledge about the development of learning with the practicum
method is one of the initial assets of Biology Education students to become
professional biology teachers. But in reality, there are still students who have not
mastered the competencies related to practicum activities. Based on these problems,
this study aims to produce an independent learning resource in the form of
visualization in the design and implementation of school biology practicum in the form
of a video equipped with a guidebook. This research was conducted at the PMIPA
Laboratory FKIP Riau University, SMAN 8 Pekanbaru and SMAN 15 Pekanbaru in
April-December 2020. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D)
which refers to the ADDIE model. The instruments used in this study were validation
sheets and response questionnaires. The results of the visualization product validation
obtained an average score of 3.57 (video) and 3.39 (guidebook) with very valid
categories. The results of the limited trial phase I obtained an average value of 3.64
(video) and 3.72 (guidebook) with very good categories. Meanwhile, the results of the
second phase of the trial obtained an average value of 3.43 (video) and 3.47
(guidebook) with very good categories. Based on the results of the validation and
testing, it shows that the visualization products in the design and implementation of
the developed school biology practicum can be used as a source of independent
learning for prospective biology teachers.
Key Words: Implementation, Design, Practicum, Visualization

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