Rido Muliadi BTB, Ramadi Ramadi, Aref Vai


Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the profil of the physical
fitness level of sudents at SMK Taruna Pekanbaru.This reasearch is a quantitative
descriptive study. This reasearch only describes or provides information about a
situation. This study uses a test survey with measurements on studen, all student studied
were measured by an Indonesian physical fitness test. The population and sample of this
study were 21 students of SMK Taruna Pekanbaru.instrumen in this study are: 60 meter
run test, 60 second hanging test, 60 second sit-down test, upright jumping test and 1200
meter run test. The data taken from this study is directly taken an obtained from
predetermined samples. Based on the result of research and data processing using
physical fitness test norms and descriptive percentage formula, the obtained the profile
data of the physical fitness level of the student of SMK Taruna Pekanbaru is not in the
very good category, in the good category 2 students with a percentage of 9,52%, in the
medium category 8 students with a percentage of 38,09%, in the poor category 11
students with a percentage of 53,38%, and in the category of lack there is absolutely
none. So if the average level of physical fitness of students at SMK Taruna Pekanbaru is
in the poor kategory.
Key Words: Level Of Physical Fitness

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