Nesha Kenade Putri, Z Zulirfan Z Zulirfan, Fakhruddin Z Fakhruddin Z


Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the validity of a high school
physics learning media in straight motion topics for android using the unity application.
This development research used ADDIE model that consists of five stages, namely
Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. However, this
development research is limited to the development stage. The data in this study are
qualitative data in the form of opinions and suggestions as well as quantitative data in
the form of scores given to each item assessed by experts consisting of 5 people, 3 of
them lecturers of physics education and 2 teachers of high school physics subjects to the
learning media developed. The instrument used by experts in providing assessments is
the expert validation sheet (adapted from Nasir, 2014). Data collection techniques were
collected by giving draft learning media along with assessment sheets to five experts.
Furthermore, experts are asked to provide an assessment consisting of opinions and
suggestions for improvement as well as scores for each item using a scale of 1-5. Data
analysis techniques in the form of expert judgment in the form of suggestions for
improvement (if any) and scores for each item that are then tabulated. Items that have a
score of less than 3 (scale 1-5) by experts, these items must subsequently be revised
according to expert improvement recommendations and will be re-assessed by experts.
This process continues until all the experts state that all items already have a score of 3,
4 or 5. Then the average score of each assessment item is calculated. The results of the
learning media validation obtained are valid in the high category with a score of 4.08
consisting of aspects design with a score of 4.12, pedagogic aspects with a score of
4.00, content aspects with a score of 4.00, and technical aspects of 4.20.
Keywords: Unity, ADDIE Model, Straight Motion, Android-Based Physics Learning

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