Abstract: This research is classroom action research which aims to improve the learning process and the result of learning mathematics by applying discovery learning. The subject of this research is student of class VII2 SMPN 42 Pekanbaru in academic years 2018/2019, which amounted to 43 students. Instruments on this reserach constisted of syllabus, lesson plans and worksheets, and instruments of data collection which is observation sheets and the test result sheets. The function of observation sheet is to obtain data from the learning process, while the function of results sheet of the mathematics learning tests is to obtain the results of the study. The data obtained are then analyzed by the technique of analyzing the data of teacher and student activities as well as data analysis of student mathematics learning outcomes. The descriptive of observation sheets through the stage of data reduction, data exposure and inference and students’ mathematic tests showed an improvement of learning process prior to the action on the first and second cycles and improve the students’ achievement of learning mathematic. On the knowledge competence, from the basic score of 11 students or 25,58% increased to 20 students or 46,51% in the first cycle and increased to 32 students or 74,42% in Cycle II. On the skills competence, the number of students who reach the minimum criteria of mastery learning the basic score of 11 students or 25,58% increased to 19 students or 44,18% in the first cycle and increased to 12 students or 72,09% in Cycle II. The results of this analysis indicate that the implementation of discovery learning can improve the learning achievement students of class VII2 SMPN 42 Pekanbaru academic year 2018/2019.
Key Words : The outcomes of mathematics learning, Discovery Learning, class action research
Key Words : The outcomes of mathematics learning, Discovery Learning, class action research
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