Nova Dwi Yana, Abdul Razak, Nursal Hakim


Abstract: This research is entitled the ability to write complex procedure texts for students of class X MA Darul Hikmah Pekanbaru. The purpose of this study was to describe the ability to write complex procedure text for students of class X MA Darul, and to describe the different ability to write complex procedure texts for students of class X MA Darul Hikmah Pekanbaru between classes and schools. The data of this study are the results of the ability to write complex procedure text for students class X MA Darul Hikmah Pekanbaru which is divided into 4 classes, namely class X Religion-1, class X Science-1, class X Religion-2, and class X Science-2 and consist from 99 population members with a sample of 72 students. The results of the study after testing using chi square one sample results χ2 count of 64.70, while χ2 tables of 90.5. The hypothesis of a single sample chi square test is that Ho is accepted if counts < χ2 tables. This means that Ho is accepted, meaning that the ability to write complex procedure text for class X MA Darul Hikmah Pekanbaru is low. In addition, the author also tested using the chi square of two samples, to find out whether or not the ability to write complex procedure texts for students of class X MA Darul Hikmah pekanbaru between classes and school origins. The result, after being tested using the chi square test of two samples, which is obtained the price of count 0.98 and the price of χ2 tables is 90.50. Chi square of two samples is accepted if the hypothesis χ2 counts < χ2 table. The test results showed that Ho was accepted, meaning that there was no difference in the ability to write complex procedure texts for students of class X MA Darul Hikmah Pekanbaru between classes and school origins.

Key Words: Ability, writing, complex procedure text

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