Campur Kode dalam Lagu Jepang Tahun 1990-an dan 2000-an

Ayu Tri Lestari, Arza Aibonotika, Nana Rahayu


The research is about English code-mixing in the 1990’s and 2000’s
Japanese popular songs lyrics. The question which the study attempts to find answers
for are the following: 1)What is the function of English code-mixing in the 1990’s and
2000’s Japanese popular songs lyrics? 2)What is the subject lyrics and song genre
effection the language choice used in the lyrics? This study uses descriptive method
and the applied theory is the English code-mixing function theory of J-pop song
The result of this study indicates that the main functions of the English
code-mixing is intended for prestise and message affirmation conveyed through
repetition by the singer. Furthermore, it serves to adjust/arrangement of the rhythm
tone in the lyrics. Finally it is use to offering alternatives to language use. This study
concludes the lyrics and genre of the songs have no significant effection the language
choice used in the lyrics.
Keywords: Japanese pop song, code mixing function

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