Abstract : Based on the observations that have been done on the athletes sons
PTMPI Tualang- Perawang district found some of problems that is not good athlete in
doing series of forehand punch movement so that cause movement not maximal in
directing ball right at target, then when the ball blows down in the area that is easily
accessible by the opponent, even the athlete’s wrists stiffen so that the perfection of the
ball with the blade is not right so that the direction of the ball fall out of the opponent
table and not over the net. The cause of this allegedly because of lack of good
coordination the hand and flexibility the wrist the player so the effect on when the shots.
As in the basic techniques a tennis table game what to get a move that effectively and
efficiently this need is based on the control of a good technique, the basic techniques
with table tennis like technique holds the bet, service, technical leg movements, and the
blow. The abjective in this study is to find out if there is the relationship between the
hand and flexibility the wrist with a forehand in the game of table tennis athletes sons
PTMPI the Tualang-Perawang. The population in this study is the athete’s son PTMPI
the Tualang-Perawang as many as 6 people. The sampling of the whole population (the
total sampling). Instrument for this research is a test of throwing captured a tennis ball,
it ains to measure the movement of the coordination of the eyes and hands. Then the test
fleksi, the aim is to find out hw much flexibility the wrist of a degree that is used. Then a
backboard, the aim is to determine the ability a forhan on the athlete’s. Thereafter, the
data were sampled with statistics, to test the normality by the lilifors test at a significant
level of a0.05. Based on the results of research, it can be concluded as follows. From
the results by the eye coordination and flexibility the wrist had a relationship with a
forehand in the game of table tennis athletes sons PTMPI the Tualang-Perawang,
where rhitung on significant level α (0.05) = 0.811 it means that rhitung (0.913)> rtab
Keywords : Eye coordination, wrist flexibility, forehand blow.
PTMPI Tualang- Perawang district found some of problems that is not good athlete in
doing series of forehand punch movement so that cause movement not maximal in
directing ball right at target, then when the ball blows down in the area that is easily
accessible by the opponent, even the athlete’s wrists stiffen so that the perfection of the
ball with the blade is not right so that the direction of the ball fall out of the opponent
table and not over the net. The cause of this allegedly because of lack of good
coordination the hand and flexibility the wrist the player so the effect on when the shots.
As in the basic techniques a tennis table game what to get a move that effectively and
efficiently this need is based on the control of a good technique, the basic techniques
with table tennis like technique holds the bet, service, technical leg movements, and the
blow. The abjective in this study is to find out if there is the relationship between the
hand and flexibility the wrist with a forehand in the game of table tennis athletes sons
PTMPI the Tualang-Perawang. The population in this study is the athete’s son PTMPI
the Tualang-Perawang as many as 6 people. The sampling of the whole population (the
total sampling). Instrument for this research is a test of throwing captured a tennis ball,
it ains to measure the movement of the coordination of the eyes and hands. Then the test
fleksi, the aim is to find out hw much flexibility the wrist of a degree that is used. Then a
backboard, the aim is to determine the ability a forhan on the athlete’s. Thereafter, the
data were sampled with statistics, to test the normality by the lilifors test at a significant
level of a0.05. Based on the results of research, it can be concluded as follows. From
the results by the eye coordination and flexibility the wrist had a relationship with a
forehand in the game of table tennis athletes sons PTMPI the Tualang-Perawang,
where rhitung on significant level α (0.05) = 0.811 it means that rhitung (0.913)> rtab
Keywords : Eye coordination, wrist flexibility, forehand blow.
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