I Ajeng Ayu Putri, Dessy Artina, Zulwisman Zulwisman


In Dumai City, there are 15 markets, but only two markets are subject to a levy,
namely the Lappin Market and the Bunda Sri Mersing Market. In practice in the field,
the process of retribution collection is problematic. Problems that arise because traders
do not want to pay levies. The government in this case is also unable to enforce the
rules regarding administrative sanctions and criminal provisions on the grounds of the
thuggish attitude of traders. This shows that Article 15 of the Dumai City Regulation
concerning Market Service Retribution is not implemented properly and is not in line
with the objectives of the establishment of this Regional Regulation, one of which is to
increase Regional Original Income in Dumai City.
The type of legal research is sociological juridical, which in this research, is
carried out by going directly to the field to collect primary data, and using descriptive
methods. Meanwhile, if viewed from the nature of this research is descriptive.
The result of this research is the implementation of Article 15 of Regional
Regulation Number 21 of 2011 concerning Market Service Retribution, namely market
levies are collected using a Market Retribution Payment Certificate (TBPRP) or other
equivalent documents and collecting officers must wear identification and a letter of
assignment. However, the implementation of this regulation has not been able to run
optimally because there are still many traders who do not get the SKRD and STRD.
Obstacles in implementing Article 15 of Dumai City Regional Regulation Number 21 of
2011 concerning Market Service Fees in Dumai City are as follows: human resources
which are only five officers responsible for quoting market fees while the number of
traders is around 320 traders, quality of service which is lacking due to the absence of
repairs and renewals as well as the market which is always dirty with piled up garbage,
lack of socialization about user fees, lack of awareness of mandatory retribution, and
lack of firmness in the application of sanctions. Efforts will be made by the Dumai City
Government in overcoming the problem of paying market retribution in the future,
namely by improving the quality of retribution implementers through periodic
monitoring and performance appraisals, socializing and maximally implementing
Keywords: Implementation, Article 15, Dumai City Regional Regulation Number 21

Year 2011

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