Ronal Febrian, Erdianto Effendi, Ledy Diana


Correctional Institutions are one of the places that are targeted for
narcotics circulation by the dealers, where the warden in eradicating the crime of
narcotics trafficking in the prison area is very important. Because of course the closed
access in prisons, which of course the police cannot enter carelessly, makes the role of
prison wardens in eradicating criminal acts of narcotics trafficking a very important task.
For the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, the Minister of Law and Human Rights
issued Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights No. 6 of 2013 concerning the
rules for correctional institutions and state detention centers which in one of Article 4
Letter g prohibits prisoners from storing, making, carrying, distributing and/or
consuming narcotics and/or narcotic precursors and drugs. other dangerous drugs. In
reality, the various regulations governing the eradication of narcotics trafficking crimes
that have been made are still not able to eradicate narcotics trafficking as a whole. This
shows that there are still shortcomings that hinder the disclosure of narcotics trafficking
crimes in correctional institutions. Narcotics trafficking cases are also difficult to
uncover because the perpetrators are very difficult to uncover and the growing narcotics
distribution network uses sophisticated methods or modes and is usually carried out by
more than one person in a disguised and organized state.
This research uses a typology of sociological legal research or what is also
known as non-doctrinal legal research, which specifically discusses the effectiveness of
the law. In this study, the author uses descriptive research, because the author describes
how the implementation of the performance of warden officers in the eradication of
narcotics trafficking crimes in the Bengkalis class IIA correctional institution.
The results of the research conducted by the author are, first, the occurrence of
narcotics circulation caused from outside the prison and the factor of using it because the
inmates feel stressed. Prison officers have the authority to punish inmates if they are
found to have consumed narcotics by giving punishment in the form of confinement in
special cells for 3 to 6 days and will not even give remission or pardon. And the duty of
wardens can be carried out in eradicating criminal acts of narcotics trafficking by
carrying out impromptu raids by holding urine tests.
Keywords: Law Enforcement - Rehabilitation - Narcotics

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