Ridho Gus Riando, Dessy Artina, Ferawati Ferawati


Article 54 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics states that
narcotics addicts are required to undergo medical and social rehabilitation.
However, this did not happen, especially in the jurisdiction of Bengkalis Regency.
The traffickers were sentenced to prison and put in the same place as the traffickers.
This is also exacerbated by the increasing number of narcotics crimes from 2017
to 2020. The objectives of writing this thesis are; First, law enforcement on the
development of narcotics in Bengkalis Regency, Second, the influence of law
enforcement on the development of narcotics in Bengkalis Regency, Third, factors
that become obstacles in law enforcement against narcotics development in
Bengkalis Regency.
This type of research can be classified in the type of sociological juridical
research, this research was conducted at the Bengkalis Resort Police, the Bengkalis
District Attorney, the Bengkalis District Court and the Bengkalis Correctional
Institution, while the population and sample are all parties related to the problems
studied in this study, the data sources used are primary data and secondary data,
methods data collection in this study by interviews and literature study.
From the results of the research problem, there are three main things that
can be concluded, First, law enforcement carried out by the four sub-judicial
systems is in the form of preventive and repressive law enforcement, Second, there
is no influence from law enforcement that has been carried out by the four subjudicial systems, This is caused by factors of the apparatus and the factors of the
community itself, especially in the economic field, Third, the factors that become
obstacles in law enforcement against the development of narcotics crime are the
geographical condition of Bengkalis Regency, lack of personnel, facilities and
facilities that are less supportive, limited funds and lack of public concern or
participation. The author's suggestions, First, all relevant institutions in order to
improve the quality and quantity of each institution, Second, to the local
government of Bengkalis Regency to play a greater role in eradicating narcotics
crime, providing special operational budgets related to narcotics eradication,
building or providing places/rehabilitation homes for narcotics abusers and
immediately formed the District-level National Narcotics Agency (BNNK).
Keywords: Law Enforcement - Rehabilitation - Narcotics

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