Syafira Salsabilla, Rika Lestari, Riska Fitriani


Cooperation is an agreement where a person first binds himself with another party according
to the will of each of the parties. the agreement is valid as a law, then this is in accordance with
Article 1338 of the Civil Code paragraph (1), namely all agreements made legally valid as law for
those who make them. Warung Cobek and Gopek are one of the typical culinary businesses that
offer a variety of food and drink menus, especially foods with spicy characteristics. In this writing
the author focuses on the Cooperation Agreement between the owner of the Warung Cobek and
Gopek with the owner of the capital. The purpose of writing this thesis: First, to find out the
implementation of the cooperation agreement with the profit-sharing system for the Cobek and
Gopek stalls in Pekanbaru City. Second, to determine the implementation of the principle of good
faith in the implementation of the cooperation agreement with the profit-sharing system for the
Cobek and Gopek stalls in Pekanbaru City. The author conducts research with sociological legal
research methods, namely research conducted by conducting legal identification of how the
effectiveness of law enforcement applies in society.
 This research is classified in the type of sociological research, because it directly conducts
research on the location or point being examined to provide a complete and clear picture of the
problem being examined. This research was conducted at Warung Cobek and Gopek and PT.
Hensa Wisata Pekanbaru City, while the sample population was all parties related to the problems
studied in this study, the data sources used, primary and secondary data, data collection
techniques in this study by interviews, literature review, and data analysis.
 From the results of the study, there are three main things that can be concluded: First, the
implementation of a cooperation agreement with a profit sharing system for Cobek and Gopek
stalls in Pekanbaru City. Second, the implementation of the principle of good faith in the
implementation of the cooperation agreement with the profit-sharing system for the Cobek and
Gopek stalls in Pekanbaru City.
 The author's suggestion, in this study, is that the first party as the owner of the Warung
Cobek and Gopek culinary business must fulfill achievements in the form of paying off debts to the
second party as the owner of capital. This is done in order to achieve the main purpose of making
an agreement. The agreement must be mutually beneficial to the parties. If the repayment of the
debt does not go smoothly, then it does not heed an agreement because it is detrimental to one of
the parties. With this good faith, it can make a problem that started off complicated become a little
lighter because of the good faith or honesty, humility carried out by the first party. Good faith in
paying off debts that should not have passed the time limit for the umpteenth time that has been
determined after the relief or extension of time given by the second party.
Keywords: Agreement – Cooperation

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