Novia Fatriyani, Firdaus Firdaus, Emilda Firdaus


One of the problems faced by the Indonesian people today is the crime of sexual violence. Pedophilia
as a sexual orientation by liking minors. As a distorted orientation and contrary to applicable norms.
Pedophile behavior often leads to sexual violence. Based on the characteristics that exist that the ability to
seduce a reliable pedophilia that can deceive children and the nature of pedophiles who love to move
locations cause this to make it not an ordinary crime. Very often cases of pedophile crime appear and are
revealed after the number of victims who report. The effects of pedophilia crimes lead to mental trauma,
genital and rectal injuries and the potential to be a future offender for victims for boys. In Government
Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2016 on the second amendment of Law No. 23 of 2002 Regarding
child protection, it allows additional penalties to announce the identity of the offender. as a form of
deterrent effect and protection to the community, but there is no formal criminality in the form of
implementation so that the ideal concept is needed so that additional punishment can be carried out
This type of research is a normative legal research that is using literature study in finding data. This
research is descriptive in nature which tries to provide detailed and detailed data on the existing problems.
In writing this research using qualitative data analysis which means explaining and concluding about the
data that has been collected by the author. This study uses secondary data or scientific data that has been
The results of this study are to explain that the material penalties for additional sentences announcing
the identity of the perpetrators have been clearly regulated. but for formal criminal arrangements have not
been clearly regulated. thus causing additional punishment is not perfect. The author provides an ideal
concept in the form of announcements of identity given to the public through mass media, print and social
media, Announcement of identity is also given to educational institutions and the Ministry of Law and
Human Rights. announcements of identity are also given through the website managed by the Indonesian
child protection commission. Announcement of identity is done in order to reduce the level of pedophile
crime and provide protection for children and society.
Keywords: Announcement Of The Identity Of The Offender - Additional Punishment - Pedophilia.

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