Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Pelanggaran Jam Operasional Berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Kota Pekanbaru Nomor 3 Tahun 2002 Tentang Hiburan Umum

Letjan Lumban Gaol, Mexsasai Indra, Erdiansyah Erdiansyah


The increasing growth of business activities in the field of public entertainment makes
the government need to conduct control and structuring so that the realization of quality
public entertainment services, efficient and more positive impact on the wider community. In
the investigation stage, it will be determined who becomes the suspect or suspected
perpetrator of a crime. The purpose of writing this thesis, namely: First, to find out the
investigation of criminal acts against violations of public entertainment operating hours
based on Pekanbaru City Regulation Number 3 of 2002 Concerning Public Entertainment.
Second, to find out the barriers to investigating criminal acts in violation of operating hours
based on Pekanbaru City Regulation Number 3 of 2002 concerning Public Entertainment.
This type of research used in this study is a sociological juridical legal research in the
form of research that takes a rigorous approach to the nature of the law and is in accordance
with keyataan in society or the correlation of law with society, so as to be able to reveal the
effectiveness of the law in society and identify the law unwritten that applies to the
community, then proceed with research on primary data in the field or in accordance with the
realities of life in the community.
From the research results, there are two main things that can be concluded. First, the
investigation of criminal acts against violations of public entertainment operational hours
based on Pekanbaru City Regulation Number 3 of 2002 Regarding Public Entertainment, has
not been carried out properly and optimally. This is proven by the fact that there are still a
lot of public entertainment businesses that violate operational hours in the city of Pekanbaru,
but not all of them are carried out in full in accordance with applicable regulations. Second,
barriers to investigating criminal acts against operating hours violations based on
Pekanbaru City Regulation Number 3 of 2002 concerning Public Entertainment. In law
enforcement, there are still many obstacles and obstacles that arise from inside and outside
the law enforcement agencies which result in the inadequacy of the investigation process in
accordance with applicable law.
The author's suggestion, First, is expected to the investigative officer in conducting
the investigation process in accordance with the rule of law and the investigating officer is
supported by understanding and equipped with infrastructure. Second, for the sake of the
smooth and upholding of the law in accordance with Pekanbaru City Regulation Number 3 of
2002 concerning Public Entertainment, to reduce obstacles in the process of law
enforcement, it is necessary to increase the legal awareness of the public entertainment
business owners and the public by conducting legal socialization conducted by experienced
and insightful officers broad, improve the correlation between relevant agencies with
business actors and the wider community for the achievement of legal ideals.
Keywords: Education-Operating Hours-General Entertainment-Criminal acts

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