Astrina H, Dessy Artina, Ferawati Ferawati


The existence of homeless and beggars who are increasingly 'rampant' in the city of Pekanbaru, clearly
disturbing the comfort of the community, especially road users, because these homeless and beggars often roam
the intersections and streets of the city center by acting improperly. Homelessness and begging activities are
qualified as a criminal offense, namely as a violation (overtredingen) in the field of public order. Bums and
beggars who disturb public order in Pekanbaru City are only given sanctions in the form of fostering and after
fostering the homeless and beggars are returned to their respective areas of origin. With a high number of
homeless people, it cannot be denied that crimes or other criminal acts such as theft, robbery or murder will
arise. Law enforcement in such disclosures can be expected to be effective because it is a violation of the law
that can be life-threatening. Therefore the purpose of this thesis, namely: first, how is law enforcement against
beggars and homeless people in the city of Pekanbaru? Second, what are the obstacles in law enforcement
against beggars and homeless people in the city of Pekanbaru?
This type of research used in this study is empirical juridical or sociological legal research. Empirical
juridical research is carried out by carrying out legal identification and how the effectiveness of that law
applies in society. Sources of data used, namely: primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques,
namely interviews and literature review, as well as this study were analyzed using qualitative analysis.
The conclusion that can be obtained from the results of the first research, law enforcement of Article
504 and Article 505 of the Criminal Code and Article 3 jo Article 29 (paragraph 1) of Regional Regulation
Number 12 of 2008 concerning Social Order is not yet optimal. This is proven by the fact that not all of the
criminal sanctions provided for in these provisions are carried out by the Satpol PP and Pekanbaru City Social
and Funeral Services. Second, barriers to the realization of law enforcement against homeless and beggars in
the city of Pekanbaru, are caused by lack of awareness of the community as homeless and beggars, limited
facilities and infrastructure, weak supervision from the government and are not subject to sanctions for
homeless and beggars. Suggestions for the future are expected that the Pekanbaru City Social and Funeral
Service of the Civil Service Police Unit maximizes its role by continuing to pay attention and improve the
quality of performance to resolve issues of social welfare that occur in the community, in addition it needs to be
thoroughly evaluated and improved that must be immediately carried out by the Pekanbaru City Government
and related law enforcement officials overcoming obstacles in law enforcement against the homeless and
Keywords: Enforcement-Homelessness and Beggars-Pekanbaru

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