Hendra Pranata, Hayatul Ismi, Dasrol Dasrol


Legal actions involving customary land that often occur are the pawn of customary land, Batak
toba indigenous people are more familiar with the term pawn. In this pate, traditional customary land can
be transferred to the owner even though the new owner is not from the inheritance line or a member of a
traditional association (huta). The problem that often also occurs is when a family has ownership rights
over a customary land but the family does not have a lineage to inherit the customary land. If this happens
to which party will receive from the ownership rights of the customary land. Of course this would be a
debate among various parties in the village if the previous customary landowners did not give a will on the
rights of the customary land. Based on the background described above, the authors were interested in
conducting research relating to the management of customary land to indigenous peoples. The title of the
author was: "Management of Customary Land in the Toba Batak Indigenous Peoples in the Village of
Barisan Pancur Nauli, Pematang Siantar City."
Based on the description of the background of the problem, the authors formulated the problem as
follows: first, namely, what is the background of customary land management of the Toba Batak indigenous
people in the Village of Barisan Pancur Nauli, Pematang Siantar City? Second, what efforts should be made
by indigenous peoples in managing customary lands that are in accordance with customary land
management in the Toba Batak indigenous people in the Barisan Pancur Nauli Sub-District, Pematang
Siantar City?
The conclusion of the study by the author that the Background of Customary Land Management in
the Toba Batak Indigenous Peoples in Barisan Pancur Nauli Subdistrict, Pematang Siantar City, was found
to be dominated by four clans namely Tampubolon, Simangungsong, Napitupulu, and Sianipar, land
management by selling land, pawning land and leasing land soil. Efforts made by the Toba Batak
indigenous people still adhere to the Dalihan no tofu principle, which is one of peaceful dispute resolution
without involving things that harm many people. Suggestions from the authors are that efforts to buy and
sell customary land so the government can participate in avoiding unwanted conflicts , then preventing the
sale and purchase of land to outsiders so that the customary land is maintained and always exists.
Keywords: Toba Batak Land Management

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