Cindi Adelina, Firdaus Firdaus, Ulfia Hasanah


Article 8 paragraph (1) Letter (a) and (e) of the Consumer Protection Act stipulates that business
actors are prohibited from producing and / or trading services that: (a) do not fulfill or do not comply with
the requirements and statutory provisions . Letter (e) states that it is not in accordance with the quality,
level, composition, processing, style, mode or certain usage as stated in the label or description of the goods
and / or services. In the Lima Puluh Kota district there are business people who produce non-iodized salt so
that it harms consumers both materially and immaterial. The purpose of this thesis, namely: first to find out
how the implementation of consumer protection by businesses against the sale of non-iodized salt in Lima
Puluh Kota District, secondly to find out why businesses do not produce iodized salt in Lima Puluh Kota
This type of research casn be classified in sociological research. To obtain data in writing this
thesis, field research and library research were conducted. this research was conducted in Lima Puluh Kota
Regency. while the population and sample are all parties related to the problems examined in this study,
data sources used primary data and secondary data, data collection techniques in this study by observation,
interviews, questionnaires, and literature studies.
Based on the results of the problem research there are two points that can be concluded, the first is
that the implementation of consumer protection against the sale of non-iodized salt based on the reality in
the field is not as appropriate, as regulated in Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection
business actors are not responsible for producing or distributing non-iodized salt. Second, the reason salt
producers do not produce iodized salt because of several factors, namely economic / capital factors,
education / knowledge factors and licensing factors. This happened due to lack of understanding of the
producers regarding rights and obligations as a producer.
Keywords: Protection - Consumers - Non-iodized Salt

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