Tinjauan Yuridis Pelanggaran Hak Imigran Anak Dalam Kebijakan Zero Tolerance Amerika Serikat Dalam Perspektif HakAsasi Manusia Internasional

Yogi Alda Hijra, Evi Deliana, Ledy Diana


Recent US policies have shown a shift in thinking from the concept of Universal Human Rights
towards the concept of human rights of citizens. By applying different standards to citizens and non-citizens.
The President of the United States (Donald Trump) took action in the form of an entry ban for immigrants
from six countries to protect the United States from militant attacks. Donald Trump's policy is known as the
zero tolerance policy. The zero tolerance policy adopted by Donald Trump in May resulted in all border
crossers without official documents being criminally charged and imprisoned. Whereas their children
(immigrants) are placed separately by their parents. They were taken to a place managed by the Ministry of
Health and humanitarian services. They should not be treated with actions that conflict with the rules that
protect the rights of the child.
This study uses a normative legal research typology, which more specifically discusses the principles
of law. In this study the author uses the nature of descriptive research, because the author describes the
reality investigated by researchers regarding children's rights violated by the United States through a zero
tolerance policy. The results of the research conducted by the author are, the first zero tolerance policy is the
cause of violations of the rights of child immigrants in the United States because of American president
Donald Trump with children's rights that cannot be separated from his parents. Second, the international
human rights perspective in resolving the problem of violations of child immigrant rights in the zero
tolerance policy of the United States, namely that children have rights to be recognized in international law.
Basically, human rights and children's rights must be respected and implemented.
Keywords: Violations - Child Immigrant Rights - Zero Tolerance - International Human Rights

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