Fanny Ayunda Dwi Putri, Erdianto Effendi, Davit Rahmadan


Indonesia is a state of law as stated in Article 1 Paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia. Indonesia has an area of 5,455,675 km2 and 3,544,744 km2 of which or 2/3 of its
territory is the ocean. Indonesia has a diversity of natural resources both biological and non-biological.
Especially the living natural resources in the sea which are the biggest assets owned by Indonesia so that
it is necessary to regulate the management and legal protection related to illegal, unreported, and
unregulated fishing problems due to the rampant cases that occur in Indonesia related to illegal fishing.
thus causing substantial losses to Indonesia. In Law Number 31 of 2004 jo. Law No. 45 of 2009
concerning Fisheries strictly regulates matters relating to the management and legal protection of
criminal acts relating to illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing.
The purpose of this study is to analyze criminal law policies in eradicating illegal, unreported,
and unregulated fishing in Indonesia. The research method used in this paper is normative legal
research, legal research conducted by examining library materials or secondary data, can be called
normative legal research or library legal research. This study uses methodologies for legal principles.
Criminal law policies in eradicating illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing in Indonesia are very
important regulations to minimize the occurrence of crimes in the context of fisheries in Indonesia and
are a shared responsibility of the community and other law enforcement officials so that their
sustainability can be maintained. We really need clear regulations and have very strict legal certainty
against criminal sanctions and other sanctions that will cause a deterrent effect on perpetrators of
fisheries crimes.
Keywords: criminal law policy, illegal fishing, unreported, unregulated fishing.


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