Nia Siska, Hayatul Ismi, Riska Fitriani


In this modern era, with human activity increasingly increasing, activities such as
washing clothes are no longer carried out alone. This has led to the emergence of service
businesses that are used as business actors to facilitate human work, one of which is
laundry or laundry services. Laundry is a business that offers services in terms of
washing clothes with special methods. From these activities, the emergence of how to
carry out the responsibilities of laundry entrepreneurs to consumers in Pekanbaru City.
The formulation of the problem in this study is how the implementation of the rights and
obligations of laundry businesses to consumers in Pekanbaru and what are the barriers
to the implementation of the responsibilities of laundry businesses to consumers in
The purpose of this study is First, to be able to explain the rights and obligations
of laundry owners to consumers in the city of Pekanbaru. Second, to find out the
obstacles in the implementation of the responsibility of the owner of the laundry to
consumers in the city of Pekanbaru. The type of research I use is a type of sociological
research. The research location that is the object of this research is that laundry is in
Pekanbaru City. While the population and samples use laundry businesses but only
registered laundry and consumers are harmed. Primary data sources and secondary
data. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews and literature studies.
From the results of the study there are several problems that give rise to two
points. First, the question is how the form of the implementation of the rights and
obligations of the laundry businessman to consumers in the city of Pekanbaru is because
there are many implementations of losses that are still not done properly. Second, what
are the barriers to the implementation of the responsibilities of laundry businesses to
consumers in the city of Pekanbaru that still business people feel some obstacles to the
implementation of responsibilities caused by consumers themselves.
Suggestions the author, first, for laundry businesses should know what their rights
and obligations are in managing their business. Second, the authors hope consumers will
be more critical, both during the pre-transaction period, during the consumer transaction
period, and at the end of the consumer transaction. Third, the author hopes that the
government should increase efforts to socialize Law No. 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer
Protection to the public, especially consumers and business actors.
Keywords: Responsibilities - Business Actors - Consumers - Laundry

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