Alberto Syahputra Sagala, Firdaus Firdaus, Riska Fitriani


Protection of consumers requires that there be partiality to the weak
(consumers). Every decision concerning the interests of the lives of many people
must be oriented towards the public interest. The desire to be achieved in
protecting consumers is to create a sense of security for consumers in fulfilling
their daily needs. In short, all efforts intended to protect consumers are not only
preventive measures, but also repressive actions in all areas of protection given to
consumers. One of the rights is the right to correct, clear and honest information
about the condition and guarantee of goods and / or services.
Products circulating in the community that do not comply with Law
Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. Especially for Article 4 (c),
Article 8 (i) and (j), namely about product information. Vapor liquid (Electric
Cigarette) is a product that has no information and is based on data that is
processed, Liquid ingredients are very dangerous for Humans.
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia publishes the dangers
of e-cigarettes, that Electronic Cigarettes (Ecs) or Electronic Nicotine Delivery
System (ENDS) are devices that function to convert chemicals into steam and
drain them into the lungs, where they are a mixture of substances such as nicotine
and propylene glicoli. ECS / ENDS consists of evaporator components,
rechargeable batteries, electronic regulators and liquid containers that will be
evaporated. Until now, the safety of ENDS has not been proven to be scientifically
safe, because it is suspected that these substances contain dangerous substances
such as nicotine and high concentrations of propylene glycol, which is an irritant
that is inhaled. Based on tests by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), some
products also contain diethylene glycol, which is a chemical used to poison.
The purpose of this thesis is: First, to find out whether the sales of vapor
liquids made by business actors are in accordance with the applicable
regulations, Secondly, to find out how the efforts of businesses in protecting the
consumer rights of vapor liquidThis type of research is sociological research or
research that wants to see the correlation between society and law. The results of
this study are two points concluded. First, sales of vapor liquids in accordance
with applicable regulations. Second, the efforts made by business actors in
protecting consumer rights.
Keywords: Consumer rights - Liquid -Vapor information - Legal efforts

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