Safrianda Safrianda, Erdianto Effendi, Dessy Artina


In Indonesia the implementation of occupational safety and health
regulations is regulated in Law No. 1 of 1970 concerning Occupational Safety and
Health, with the aim of providing protection to workers or laborers in carrying out
their work in the work environment. However, in this Law, companies that violate
the provisions of this Law can be given very light criminal sanctions and do not
provide justice if applied at this time. Therefore, a renewal of criminal law is
needed to increase the number of criminal sanctions with the aim of providing a
deterrent and justice effect for workers or laborers and to provide protection for
workers or laborers in the future. The purpose of this thesis, namely; First, to
determine the arrangements for the protection of occupational safety and health
for workers or laborers in the perspective of Law No. 1 of 1970. Second: To find
out how to reform criminal sanctions against companies that do not apply to
occupational safety and health.
This type of research can be classified in the type of normative legal
research, because in this study the authors conducted research by examining
library materials. The data sources used are, secondary data consisting of primary
legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials, because the
authors conducted research on legal principles by utilizing deskrptive methods to
provide an overview of overcoming violations of occupational safety and health,
with the purpose of providing protection for workers or workers from workrelated
From the results of the study it can be concluded, First: The regulation of
the protection of occupational safety and health for workers or laborers in Law
Number 1 Year 1970 concerning Occupational Safety and Health is still lacking,
namely criminal sanctions given are still very light and do not provide a deterrent
effect and taste justice. Second: it requires renewal or reformulation of criminal
sanctions by adding the number of imprisonment sanctions or criminal penalties.
In the hope of giving a deterrent effect and a sense of justice. In the hope of
reformulating more stringent criminal sanctions, so that companies carry out good
work safety and health programs, so that workers are protected from the dangers
of workplace accidents.
Keywords: Reformulation-workers-work safety

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