Tinjauan Hukum Terhadap Konsumen Akibat Iklan yang Menyesatkan dalam Media Online

Nur Aminah Harahap, Hayatul Ismi


One of the tools that is often used by businesses to market their products is by advertising. According
to law number 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection, promotion is the activity of introducing or
disseminating information on goods and/or services, to attract consumers’ buying interest in goods and/or
services that will and are being traded. In this case the dissemination of information on an item and/or
service can be carried out in the form of advertisements that are displayed in online media. Problems faced
by consumers are goods and/or services that are not as expected as advertised. Due to the misleading
advertising, business actors should be responsible for losses suffered by consumers.
This type of research can be classified in the type of normative legal research, reviewing the legal
principles contained in law number 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection. Based on its nature this
legal research is descriptive in that it describes and describes all data obtained from the results of literature
studies relating to the title of legal writing which is clearly and in detail then analyzed to answer the
problems under study.
From the results of research and discussion it can be concluded that, first, consumer protection by
the state, namely by making policies that are tangible in the form of legislation, namely law number 8 of
1999 concerning consumer protection. In general the state carries out the task of fostering and supervising
the implementation of consumer protection, including the task of coaching and supervising advertising
activities. Another form of consumer protection by the state from misleading advertisements can be seen in
the judge’s fair judgment and the application of legal principles and rules accordingly. Secondly, the
responsibility of business actors towards consumers due to misleading advertisements in online media based
on law number 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection (UUPK) already exists in the UUPK specifically
contained in Article 20 despite the absence of legislation that regulates related details advertising.

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