Syahrial Halomoan, Firdaus ', Ulfia Hasanah


The responsibility of the businessperson for the sale of 3 kg LPG to consumers who cannot
afford it in Pekanbaru City, Riau Province needs to be carried out, because there are still many
businesses or bases that still sell 3 kg LPG to consumers who are more capable and for industry. As
a result of the treatment of business actors or bases, the poor people cannot get 3 kg of LPG gas
which is their right to household needs such as cooking. Of course many consumer rights as a 3 kg
LPG gas user feel that their rights are violated, business people should be responsible in treating
consumers fairly and not discriminating and must follow the prevailing laws and regulations
The problems discussed are first, regarding the basis of the base is not responsible for the
sales of 3 kg LPG to consumers who are not capable and Second What is the base effort to be
responsible for the sale of 3 kg LPG to consumers who can not afford. The research method used is
empirical research, another term used is Sociological legal research also called field research and
this research is descriptive. In data collection, the type of data used in this study is primary data
and secondary data, namely directly through respondents (field), Law No. 8 of 1999 concerning
Consumer Protection, Law No. 20 of 2008 concerning Micro, Small, and Intermediate (UMKM),
Civil Code, Presidential Regulation No. 104/2007 concerning Provision, Distribution and
Determination of Three Kilogram Liquefied Petroleum Gas Tubes, Regulation of the Minister of
Mineral Resources No. 26 of 2009 concerning Liquefied Supply and Distribution Petroleum Gas,
legal journals and books related to research. This data analysis is carried out qualitatively and
deductively deduced.
From the results of research conducted by the author, it was found that there were still
business players or bases who were not responsible for the sale of 3 kg LPG to consumers who
could not afford, so that the poor consumers were indirectly harmed. So, based on this, it is
required the responsibility of the business actor in the sale of 3 kg LPG to consumers who cannot
afford it.

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