Damenta Sembiring, Evi Deliana, Ferawati '


In the European continent, especially Britain, human trafficking and
slavery began with the conquest of the British state to several countries outside
the European continent. Slavery or servitude has existed in the history of the
Indonesian nation. In the days of previous kings, women were a complementary
part of the feudal system of government. In the era of globalization, slavery is rife
in its illegal and veiled form in the form of trafficking in women. Women are
employed in dangerous sectors, forbidden work, for forced labor, victims of
sexual exploitation in pornography, prostitution and the most attention is made as
drug couriers. Women do not know that the work that they do does often have to
deal with the law even though the women involved are only victims of a crime.
The type of research used by researchers is normative juridical legal
research or can also be called doctrinal legal research. Normative legal research
is a literature study of legal studies. In this normative research the law is
conceptualized as what is written in the legislation (law in books) or also the law
is conceptualized as a rule or norm which is a standard of human behavior that is
deemed appropriate. In this study researchers conducted research on the
principles of law, by way of making prior identification of the legal principles that
have been formulated in the legislation. This study utilizes descriptive methods.
The results of this thesis research, it can be seen that women's trafficking
is closely related to narcotics crime. The main finding in this study is one of the
most prominent patterns in narcotics distribution is the use of women as one of
the links, especially as narcotics couriers. The existence of women in the narcotics
trade is a chain of trafficking in women that at first glance does not appear
(invisible) and is difficult to identify if it does not critically study it. For this
reason, in the legal process and law enforcement against a criminal act,
especially in this research must be careful to realize justice for women victims.
Suggestions in this thesis research considering that there are still many
invitations found that are discriminatory against women in the framework of their
legal protection, it is suggested that a revision of the Law be made. Finally, in
order to break the chain of trafficking in women, especially in the form of
narcotics circulation must require mutual concern and be the responsibility of all
parties, because it concerns the future of the future generation.
Keywords : Trafficking of Women - Victims – Justice

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