Suluhsy Luhur Harita, Evi Deliana, Ledy Diana


The right to self-determination is regulated in Article 1 paragraph (2),
Article 55, Article 73 and Article 76 of the Charter of the United Nations, Article
1 paragraph (1) of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Covenant
on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Besides that it is also regulated in
General Assembly Resolution Number 1514 (XV) 1960, Resolution Number 1541
(XV) 1960, and Resolution Number 2625 (XXV) 1970. By regulating these rights
into various international legal instruments, each nation has the right to
determine selfishness. People which is currently demanding their own right to
determine their fate, is the Catalan people who want to secede from Spain and the
Kurds who want to separate themselves from Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey.
There are two rights of self-determination in general, namely in the
external and internal forms. External self-determination is intended for colonies
and areas that do not have self-government. In its development, some countries
now prefer internal forms to answer the problem of self-determination, namely in
the form of autonomy. The purpose of writing this thesis is to know the selfdetermination
principle in giving the rights of the ethnic groups to determine their
own destiny and to know the implementation of a self-determination principle on
ethnic groups in the form of internal rights self-determination.
From the results of the research it was found that, first the right to selfdetermination
gave the people rights in the form of two rights, namely the right to
separate themselves which was realized through decolonization and the right to
self-determination in an internal form. Second, the implementation of selfdetermination
principle is realized by providing greater autonomy to the nation or
people in the region to regulate and manage its territories in pursuit of economic,
social and cultural progress and its own form of government. The author's
suggestion is that in the future the international community will make more
specific arrangements regarding self-determination in an internal form to make it
easier for countries to answer their demands for self-determination
Keyword: The Right to Self-Determination-External Right-Internal Right

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