Sandy Elisabeth, Evi Deliana, Ledy Diana


The sovereignty of a country is the highest power of the country to rule and
enforce the law in its territory. Including with power in regulating the economic
system and the use of currencies imposed in the territory of the country. This is
due to today's modern society, the mechanism of the economy based on the traffic
of goods and services of all economic activities will require money as a means of
smoothing to achieve its objectives. Problem that arises in the use of money is that
the use of foreign currency in the borders of the Republic of Indonesia is still
widely practiced. So that the sovereignty of a country finds intervention due to the
use of foreign money. Bank Indonesia as the central bank has duties, one of which
is to keep the value of the rupiah stable. The rupiah regulation in order to remain
stable has been followed up in Law Number 7 of 2011 concerning Currency. In
addition International Regulations governing the economic sovereignty of a
country are discussed in Articles 1, 2 (paragraph 1), 7 and 10. The Montevideo
1933 Convention concerning the Rights and Obligations of the State explain the
jurisdiction of a country's sovereignty.
The writing of this thesis uses normative legal research method with library
research data collection, that is by examining library material or secondary data
in the form of primary legal materials namely related regulations, secondary legal
materials namely related documents and tertiary law which is an indication of
primary and secondary legal materials. Secondary data that has been compiled is
then analyzed using qualitative methods to obtain conclusions.
Exceptions to the use of the Rupiah Currency regulated in Article 21
paragraph 2 of Act Number 7 of 2011 concerning Currency are certain
transactions in the context of implementing the budget and state revenues and
expenditures, receiving or granting grants from or abroad, international trade
transactions, deposits at banks in the form of foreign currency, and international
financing transactions. Related to the use of the Rupiah Currency regulated in
Article 21 of 2011 is a tool for the purpose of payment, settlement of other
obligations carried out in the Territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

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