Rahmayeti ', Maryati Bachtiar, Riska Fitriani


Consumers whose existence is unlimited, with very varied strata causes producers to
engage in the marketing and distribution of products or services in ways that are as effective as
possible in order to reach a very diverse consumer. World health experts through many
research and research proved that cigarettes are very harmful to the health of the body.
Regulation of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia Number 109 Year 2012 Concerning
Security of Materials Containing Addictive Substances in the form of Tobacco Products for
Health in Article 25 states Everyone is prohibited from selling tobacco products: (1) Using selfservice
machines; (2) To children under the age of 18 (eighteen) years and; (3) To pregnant
women. The purpose of this research, namely; First, Knowing how the protection of children as
consumers of the sale of cigarettes to minors in the city pekanbaru. Second, Knowing what
causes business actors to sell cigarettes to minors. Third, Knowing what efforts the government
can take in preventing children as consumers of cigarette sales to minors.
The type of research used by the authors is sociological law research is a study that
examines the legal aspects by looking at applicable legislation and compare with the
implementation in the field by way of survey. This study was conducted in Pekanbaru City,
while the population and sample were the whole parties concerned with the research, the data
source used, the primary data, the secondary data and the tertiary data, the data collection
technique in this study by observation, interview, and library stusi .
From the results of research problems there are three points that can be concluded.
First, the legal protection of children as consumers of cigarette sales is still not working
properly. De facto there are still many violations, so the child is still the target of cigarette sales
business. Secondly, businesses that sell cigarettes to children under the age of 18 (eighteen)
years do not know that this is prohibited by legislation. Third, the government's efforts to
regulate the age limit of cigarette consumers, however, the regulation does not run optimally
without supervision. The author's suggestion, Firstly, It is expected that the consumer in this
case the child under the age of 18 (eighteen) years get more supervision from parents, family,
and teachers in his school. So with the supervision, the children will be educated and know what
things are allowed and which they should not do. Secondly, it is expected that business actors
should prioritize the rights of their consumers, providing clear information so that goods are
traded right on target. Make a more assertive warning in every cigarette sales business that
consumers are entitled to buy cigarettes is the age above 18 (delpan) year. Third, Suggested to
the Government in this case Disperindag Pekanbaru degan cooperation with related agencies
such as Health Office, Education Office, etc .. As supervisor, the mediator present to provide
socialization to business actors and consumers in this case is a child under 18 (eighteen) years
of existing laws and regulations.
Keywords: Protection - Consumer - Child - Cigarette

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