ANALISIS SIKAP KONSUMEN BUAH APEL DAN PEAR IMPOR (Studi Kasus pada Pasar Buah Sudirman Pekanbaru)
The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of consumers towards the purchase of apples and pears imported. This research was conducted at the fruit market sudirman Pekanbaru. The sampling method in this study using the technique of Accidental Random Sampling with a sample of 100 respondents. Data analysis methods used in this study is a model of Multi-Attribute attitude Fisbien and analysis of the Cartesian Diagram. Based on the results of research conducted, showed that overall consumer attitudes toward the value of apples and pears imported categorized well, amounting to 119.60 on imported apple fruit, the pear imports amounted to 124.26. This case shows the tendency of consumers to consume apples and pears imported. consumer attitudes toward the purchase of apple and pear fruit imports showed that consumers believe the attributes of vitamins, health benefits, taste and ease of obtaining is an attribute that most believed.
Keywords: Consumers Attitude, Imported Fruit, Fruit MarketSudirman
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