Uji Beberapa Konsentrasi Ekstrak Tepung Akar Tuba (Derris eliptica Benth.) Untuk Mengendalikan Hama Ulat Api Setora nitens Wlk. (Lepidoptera; Limacodidae) Pada Tanamankelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)

Wahyudianto ', Jeltje Hennie Laoh, Rusli Rustam


Nettle caterpillar Setora nitens Walker. is one of the major pests of oil palm plant. The use of synthetic chemical pesticides to control pest has many negative impacts such a pest resistance, pest resurgence and environmental pollution. To reduce the negative impacts cause by synthetic chemical pesticides, then application of the alternative pest control using botanical insecticides such as Derris eliptica Benth. Which is environmentally friendly is needed. This research is aims to test the effectiveness of some concentration of Derris eliptica Benth. root powder and to obtain the proper concentration to control Setora nitens Wlk. on oil palm plant (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Pest and in the Technical Unit (UPT), Experimental Field Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau. Using completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments one 30 g Derris eliptica root powder/litre of water (30 g/l water) , namely AT 2, (40 g/l of water) , AT 3 (50 g/l of water) , AT 4 (60 g/l of water) and AT 5 (70 g/l of water). Data has been analyzed using analysis of variance and furthen testing using Duncan’s New Mulitiple Range Test at the 5% level. The result of the result research indicate that concentration of 50 g/l of water is an effective concentration to kill S. nitens because cause total mortality 84.37% , early death of S. nitens achieved in 2,5 hours. Lethal concentration of Derris root powder kill 95% of test insects S. nitens larvae was 5.5% , equivalent to 55 g/l of water, within the range of approaches to 50 and 60 g/l of water of treatments .


Keywords: Oil palm plant(Elaeis guineensis Jacq.), Nettle caterpillar Setora nitens

Walker, Derris eliptica Benth.

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