Efisiensi Produksi Kelapa Sawit Pola Swadaya Di Desa Senama Nenek Kec Tapunng Hulu Kabupaten Kampar

Zulhamid Ridho, Syaiful Hadi, Jumatri Yusri


This study aims to how level for the  factors of production in non former-farmers in the Senama Nenek  village  from  the  aspects  of  technical  efficiency,  allocative  efficiency  and  economic efficiency. The samples were calculated using purposive sampling is done by taking as many as

40 non former-farmers. Data were analyzed using two functions, the Cobb-Douglas production function  and  frontier  Cobb-Douglas. Cobb-Douglas  used  see  whether  there  is  the  classical assumptions. Cobb-Douglas stochastic frontier as an approach based on the consideration for the measurement of technical efficiency, allocative and economical by using the approach in terms of input and output are integrated. Factors affecting the production of palm oil by the method of Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) is urea, KCl, SP36, and Dolomite. Factors affecting the level of palm oil production inefficiencies are aged farmer, aged Palm Oil. Oil palm plantation businesses are efficient in the use of a combination of factors of production, but not allocative efficient, and economical.

Keywords:  Technical , allocative, Economic

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